How long will it take for my furniture to arrive?
Generally, shipment transit time within the contiguous U.S. takes an average of 2–6 business days.
You'll receive an estimated ship date at checkout and an email with tracking information once your items have shipped. Check your tracking details for the carrier's estimated arrival date.
Please note that transit times are estimates and cannot be guaranteed. They may vary based on several factors, including:
- Shipments sent to destinations further from our Indiana and North Carolina facilities may require more time in transit.
- Delivery as part of the White Glove Experience can extend transit time by up to two weeks.
For Larger Orders Shipped via Freight:
- Larger orders may require more time in transit than smaller items sent via standard carriers like UPS or FedEx Ground.
- The carrier will typically contact you in advance with an estimated delivery date and time window.
Q: What if my order includes items with different production lead times?
A: The estimated lead time for your entire order will be determined by the item with the longest production time. For example, if your order includes both Quick Ship and Built to Order products, the overall lead time will reflect the required production time for your Built to Order items.