How do I cancel an order in progress?
You can make the following changes to your order without canceling it:
- Correct typos in your email address
- Delay your order's shipping date
If you need to make any of the changes listed below, you’ll need to cancel your existing order and place a new one:
- Update item quantity
- Change the color or style of items
- Use a different payment method
- Ship to a different destination state
New orders will be subject to current lead times and pricing.
How to Cancel Your Order:
If you need to cancel your order, the process varies based on how recently it was placed:
Orders placed within the last 2 hours:
Enter your order details on the Order Status page. After entering your order information, a cancellation link will appear on the next screen.
Orders placed more than 2 hours ago:
Send us an Order Cancellation Request via Chat and our team will gladly assist you.
Additional Information:
- You can cancel your in-progress order for any reason before it ships. After shipping, our 30-day return policy is available.
- We cannot make adjustments to orders placed through other retailers. If you purchased POLYWOOD furniture from another retailer, you must contact them directly to make any changes.