How much does shipping cost?
POLYWOOD offers free shipping within the contiguous United States on every order. We ship your order using the fastest, safest, and most reliable method for your delivery address.
When your order ships, you'll receive an email notification with details of the items shipped and tracking information. We encourage you to track your order online or over the phone with the carrier (FedEx, UPS, etc.). NOTE: The tracking information can take up to 4 days to be updated on the carrier’s website.
Standard delivery includes bringing the furniture to your delivery address. It does not include specific placement or removal of the packaging. Please ensure you inspect the package(s) at the time of delivery. If the shipment appears to be damaged, or if there is any reason you are concerned with the packaging, please note this when signing for the delivery.
What is the cost for shipments outside of the U.S.?
We offer worldwide shipping. However, there will be an added cost associated with shipments to destinations outside the contiguous U.S.